The Number One Mistake Martha's Vineyard Sellers Are Making

Jen Hawkins O'Hanlon, REALTOR®


In today's real estate market, many sellers on Martha's Vineyard are falling into a critical trap: overpricing their homes. While the island remains a highly desirable location, overpricing can still lead to a home lingering on the market without offers, leading to inevitable price reductions. This can dampen interest from serious buyers and prolong the selling process—something no seller wants.

The Data Speaks for Itself

Nationwide data from shows that the number of homeowners making price reductions is on the rise (see graph below). Although Martha's Vineyard operates in a unique market, trends here mirror broader patterns. Many sellers are finding that initial pricing strategies based on outdated expectations are no longer working.

Avoiding Costly Pricing Mistakes

The best way to prevent this situation is to price your home correctly from the start. Here’s why this matters even more in a market like Martha's Vineyard:

Pay Attention to Market Conditions Martha's Vineyard has seen market shifts, especially since the pandemic boom. While demand remains high, buyers have become more discerning, and the frantic bidding wars of recent years have cooled. Setting your asking price based on what the market looked like two years ago can lead to your property being overlooked. Buyers are studying sales prices of comparable homes and if yours doesn't match up, they will simply move on.

Local real estate agents have their fingers on the pulse of the Vineyard's ever-changing market conditions. They monitor trends like average days on market, price reductions, and buyer demand, ensuring you set a price that reflects current realities.

Don't Base Your Price on What You Want To Make One mistake Vineyard sellers often make is setting a price based on how much they'd like to net from the sale rather than the home's true market value. On Martha's Vineyard, factors such as proximity to the ocean, historic significance, or updated amenities can dramatically affect home values. Just because a nearby property sold for a certain price doesn’t guarantee that yours will, especially if it lacks comparable features.

Your real estate agent will provide a Comparative Market Analysis (CMA) that looks at similar properties on the Vineyard—considering everything from ocean views to square footage—to help price your home accurately.

Avoid Pricing High for Negotiation Room Some sellers mistakenly think that by pricing their home high, they'll leave room to negotiate down. But in a competitive market like Martha's Vineyard, this can deter potential buyers from even considering your property. The Vineyard attracts savvy buyers, many of whom are looking for their dream vacation home. If they see an overpriced listing, they’re likely to look elsewhere, resulting in your property sitting on the market for longer than expected.

An experienced agent will help you set a competitive price, increasing the likelihood of receiving strong offers without the need for repeated reductions. A well-priced home attracts buyers and often leads to a quicker sale with multiple offers.

Bottom Line

Overpricing your home on Martha’s Vineyard can have significant consequences, from longer time on the market to missed opportunities with serious buyers. Partnering with a local real estate expert can help you avoid these pitfalls, ensuring that your home is priced strategically and attracts the right buyers from the start.

Thinking of selling your home on Martha's Vineyard? Connect with the O’Hanlon Group to ensure your pricing strategy is set for success.


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