Martha's Vineyard Art Guide: Galleries, Studios, and Events

Daryl Perez


Martha's Vineyard is not just a beloved vacation spot; it's a vibrant hub for artists and art enthusiasts alike. The island offers a rich tapestry of galleries, studios, and art events that showcase the deep cultural heritage and creative spirit of this unique community. Here’s your guide to the best artistic experiences Martha's Vineyard has to offer throughout the year.

Art Galleries and Studios

  1. Old Sculpin Gallery - Situated in the historic heart of Edgartown, Old Sculpin Gallery presents a selection of maritime themes and island landscapes, featuring the works of local artists. This gallery is a perfect start for anyone looking to dive into the local art scene. 

  2. Featherstone Center for the Arts - This bustling arts hub in Oak Bluffs offers more than just gallery space. With exhibitions, workshops, and classes available year-round, Featherstone is a place where art lovers can engage deeply with the creative process.

  3. Granary Gallery - Located in West Tisbury, the Granary Gallery is one of the island's largest, offering an impressive collection ranging from island scenery to international works. It's a must-visit for art collectors and enthusiasts alike.

  4. Louisa Gould Gallery - In the charming town of Vineyard Haven, this gallery offers a diverse array of contemporary art, specializing in photography, painting, and sculpture. It's a vibrant spot that reflects the modern artistic trends of the island.

  5. Martha's Vineyard Glassworks - Also in West Tisbury, this studio and gallery is famed for its exquisite hand-blown glass pieces. Visitors can sometimes watch the mesmerizing process of glass being shaped and molded.

  6. Eisenhauer Gallery - Located in the heart of Edgartown, Martha's Vineyard, Eisenhauer Gallery is renowned for its eclectic mix of contemporary art. The gallery showcases a diverse array of works from both established and emerging artists, featuring a range of mediums including paintings and sculptures. It's a dynamic cultural destination for art enthusiasts visiting the island.

Annual Art Events

  1. Martha’s Vineyard Film Festival - This annual event takes place across various venues on Martha's Vineyard, typically in the spring. It showcases a diverse collection of independent films, documentaries, and shorts from around the world. The festival not only highlights cinematic art but also fosters community and conversation through panel discussions and filmmaker Q&As, making it a key cultural event for film lovers on the island.

  2. Vineyard Artisans Festivals - This vibrant festival is held at the Grange Hall in West Tisbury on Martha's Vineyard. Throughout the summer and into early fall, it showcases the works of local artisans, including pottery, jewelry, textiles, and more. The festival offers a unique opportunity to meet the artists, discover their crafts, and purchase one-of-a-kind items directly from the creators. It's a celebrated event that highlights the island's rich tradition of craftsmanship and artistry.

  3. Martha’s Vineyard Plein Air Festival - This engaging festival is an annual celebration where artists gather across Martha's Vineyard to paint the scenic landscapes in real time. Typically held in the fall, the event draws painters from near and far who set up their easels outdoors to capture the island’s beauty. The festival culminates in a public exhibition and sale, offering visitors a chance to appreciate and purchase freshly created artworks that embody the spirit of the island.

  4. Edgartown Art Gallery Walk - During the summer months, take a stroll through Edgartown as local galleries open their doors for special viewings and events, enhancing the vibrant town atmosphere.

  5. Oak Bluffs Arts District Festival - Celebrate the arts in Oak Bluffs with this lively summer festival, featuring gallery exhibits, live music, and street performances.

Martha's Vineyard not only captivates its visitors with natural beauty but also enthralls them with its deep artistic roots. Whether you're a seasoned art collector or a curious traveler, the island’s galleries, studios, and art events promise a rich and rewarding cultural experience.


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